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Friday, October 7, 2011

ios 5

    The iOS 5 Brings a List of Improvements to the iPhone and iPad

    Those iPhone and iPad apps users that were complaining about the quality of the apps and their performance on the Apple devices as a whole, there is good news. The eagerly awaited newer version of Apple's mobile operating system, iOS 5 aims to bring to users a string of improvements.

    Let's take a look at some of them.

    Improving browser experience

    There were some limitations and usability issues with Safari and Mail that will be sorted out by iOS 5. Apple's browser will now have a reading list that helps save an article that a user wants to read at a later date. Another major improvement is that the Safari reader is able to reformat a website and make it more readable. It can remove all ads on the page to ensure better readability, all this happens in quick time. Moreover, it will also offer a tabbed browsing feature that enables the user to switch between multiple pages.

    It's time to Tweet

    It's time for the Twitterrati to rejoice as iOS 5 has deep Twitter integration and user's can Tweet using custom iPhone apps designed specifically for this purpose. The tweets can include image links and many more. The iPhone/iPad contact list will also have a Twitter field, and users will be able to update their address books with the list of Twitter followers. All in all, the Twitter integration is high on the usability quotient helping users send direct tweets to their friends that are on their contact list.

    Better Typing

    Now, it's going to be easier than ever, to type information as demanded by a particular iPad apps, with easier typing made possible with the iOS 5. The new and improved mobile operating system has an integrated dictionary tool, displayed through a pop-up, irrespective of the iPhone/iPad app that you are using. Also, the new OS facilitates thumb typing for iPad users, by enabling them to split the keyboard into half. So, developers now shouldn't be afraid to ask for extensive data input from iPhone apps or iPad apps users. The easy typing functionality doesn't make it a chore.

    The iOS 5 will definitely redefine the way the iPhone/iPad apps are developed and will be used by the target audience. Get ready for better and more interactive apps that optimize the use of iOS 5 and ensure that the users are able to make the most out of their appsSource URL: https://new-photos-designs.blogspot.com/2011/
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iphone 4s

    iPhone 5 Known As iPhone 4S

    The iPhone 5 or the iPhone 4S will be a game changer for Apple. The new model will be able to lift Apple above RIM, manufacturers of the globally popular Blackberry series. It is imperative that this is looked on as an option if Apple is to continue to remain relevant as a mobile solution provider. We will review a few of the more important features that the iPhone 5 will roll out with.

    The latest report on May 23 cited some of the following changes:

    This latest model will not accommodate 4G connectivity. While see as a major setback for the franchise many people see 4G as over kill and that it was more important for Apple to become a global force to be reckoned with over getting new technology in place. The most impressive features include the introduction of improved Near Field Communications. This type of technology is what allows mobile devices to use Bluetooth and short range wireless interaction between phone users.

    The iPhone 5 will be equipped with new and improved cameras and still photo technology. More pixels and storage space seem to be of greater concern and is possible a move by Apple to outdo other brands that place emphasis on these features. Video capabilities as well as live posting to the web will be of greater concern in this model and works well with the new processor equipped with High Speed Packet Access (HSPA) which will accommodate faster 3G support. This will be extremely attractive when the model will be available to all carriers in the United States which include AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile. The introduction of CDMA technology is also an added plus to this model. It means that the iPhone will marketable globally.

    Aesthetically the iPhone will no longer use a glass casing but a metal one. This is expected to improve the study look, offer greater protection of the phone from free falls and more importantly help to address the reception and antenna issues that the iPhone earlier models suffered from. This new model is expected to be much lighter, have a much sleeker look and will be much more slender, hence making it more attractive and easier to carry around. The reduction in size is definitely useful because it allowed for the introduction of what were known as smaller conductive nodes.Source URL: https://new-photos-designs.blogspot.com/2011/
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